IT’S OUR TURN AND WE WANT A BETTER FUTURE is the rallying cry for the youth of the world to do something now and not spend decades on the sidelines while time goes by. The life that you dream about and the world that you wish to live in will not become a reality until you make it so. It will take a collaborative effort by millions upon millions of people, both young and old, to create something that has never happened in the history of humanity, a better world for everyone.
Think about what you would want for your generations future.
IT’S OUR TURN and we want to have a good, healthy, happy and decent life.
IT’S OUR TURN and we want to have relationships filled with kindness, consideration and respect.
IT’S OUR TURN and we want to become loving parents who treat our children well.
IT’S OUR TURN and we want to live in peace with people belonging to every nationality, religion, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation on the face of the Earth.
IT’S OUR TURN and we want to live on an unpolluted and sustainable planet.
IT’S OUR TURN and we want to live in a world without hunger and homelessness.
IT’S OUR TURN and we want everyone to have a good education and the best in medical care
IT’S OUR TURN and we want everyone to matter
IT’S OUR TURN and we will do our part in making this a better world.
For those of you in your twenties and younger, you have the most to gain from living in a better world. It will be your turn to venture out into the world and find love and get married. It will be your turn to become the parents of tomorrow. It will be your turn to establish yourselves in the working world. It will be your turn to live life that people in their forties, fifties, sixties and beyond have already lived.
Time on Earth goes by very quickly. Before you realize it days become a week, weeks turn into a month, months flow into a year, years escalate into a decade, and decades roll by into a lifetime. No generation has the luxury of procrastination and you, the youth of today, are no exception.
Problems are abundant everywhere. People get into verbal and physical confrontations. People yell and scream at their loved ones. People live without clean water to drink, nutritious food to eat and a decent home to live in. People do not have a good education or the best in medical care. People pollute our planet. People fill our streets with violence. People hate each other to the point that they go to war. You may have inherited these and many other dilemmas from your parent’s generation, but why do you have to live the rest of your lives with such turmoil?
Keep an open mind to what is out there in the world. Use the insights of others and apply it to your life now. Don’t sit idly by until you have an overwhelming problem to contend with, develop the understanding about life so you can prevent those unwanted situations from ever developing. Don’t wait for a small problem to become a bigger one, stop it in its tracks now before it escalates out of control. Whether it’s your personal life, something within society or our Earth, your actions are important.
Tomorrow will come no matter what. There is no reason why the issues of today have to be the issues you live with as you grow older. The future awaits you and you can begin to mold it for the better, right now, while you are young.